Valeväidete esitamine teaduse pähe lõhestab ühiskonda. 9 eksperdi faktikontroll Alar Aabi artiklile

Eesti Päevaleht avaldas üheksa meditsiinieksperdi (nende seas Kai Kisand, Marje Oona, Uku Haljasorg, Pärt Peterson ja Eda Tamm) vastulause Alar Aabi artiklile ning lükkab tõenditega ümber hulga valeväiteid laste vaktsineerimise kohta.

Loe artiklit Eesti Päevalehest.

Doctoral defence: Lagle Lehes "The first study of voice and resonance related treatment outcomes of Estonian cleft palate children”

On October 19th Lagle Lehes will defend her thesis “The first study of voice and resonance related treatment outcomes of Estonian cleft palate children”.

Come to listen to short lectures by doctoral students and choose your favourite!

Teabetunni kaanefoto

­­­­­­­­From doctoral student to doctoral student: why and how to summarise your research in three minutes?